

To start off, has a fantastic program called, I think I might Be… in which they provide resources for every kind of questioning. Their home page is linked here.


Transgender Questioning: meet The Gender Dysphoria Bible

This is a collective document made by the trans community to inform and share what the experience is like. It is used by many folks who are questioning if they may be trans by seeing if they relate to the experiences shared by trans people in the document.

or try: I think I might be Transgender by the


Lesbian Questioning: meet The Lesbian Master Doc

This is a collective document made by the lesbian community meant to help people questioning realize if they too are a lesbian. The document covers topics like compulsory heterosexuality and has helped many people make progress in their questioning.

or try: I think I might be a Lesbian by the

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Bisexual & Pansexual Questioning: meet I think I might be Bisexual + Pansexual

This document was made by the Advocates for Youth to help questioning bisexuals and pansexuals.


Gay Questioning: meet I Think I might be Gay

This document was made by the Advocates for Youth to help questioning gays.


Asexual Questioning: meet I think I might be Asexual

This document was made by the Advocates for Youth to help questioning asexuals.


Aromantic Questioning: meet What It Means To Be ‘Aromantic’

This article was made according to aromantic people about what it means to them to identify as aromantic and other information that may help questioning aromantics.


Genderfluid Questioning: meet What Does it Mean to Be GenderFluid

For anyone questioning if they may be gender fluid check out this document